The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), also known as the Super NES or Super Nintendo, is a 16-bit home video game console developed by Nintendo. Following the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) the console introduced advanced graphics and sound capabilities compared with other systems at the time. The SNES was a global success and became one of the best-selling console of the 16-bit era.

TIMELINE 2000 1990 1991 1992 1994 1997 1999 In 1990 the SNES is released in Japan, just in time for Christmas and sells an ends up selling an estimated 2 million copies within it's first year on the market. This would later become the weakest sales of the SNES by a land slide. One year later the Super Nintendo was released in North America, there the console quickly became a big fish in the gaming market and the sales would continue to grow exponentially over the next course of the consoles life. In the final steps globalizing the SNES the console comes to Europe and the rest of Asia. This coupled with the timing of Street Fighter 2's release made for a massive boom in the SNES's popularity since the game didn't release on the SNES's main competitor. Around this time Sega and Nintendo was competing for for dominance in the game and console market. This "console" war as it came to be called helped shape and define the video game industry as it is today, pushing both companies to produce bigger and better video games for the consumer. As a last push to keep the SNES relevant in the upcomming 32 bit era and the looming 3D graphics aproaching, Nintendo capitalized on the SNES's popularity and success, by releasing the New style SNES, a more compact version of the SNES at a lower pricepoint. The last year of production for the original SNES was 1999, although the new style SNES was kept in production till 2003 the era of 16 bit gaming was at it's end. TIMELINE 2000 1990 1991 1992 1994 1997 1999 In 1990 the SNES is released in Japan, just in time for Christmas and ends up selling an estimated 2 million copies within it's first year on the market. This would later become the weakest sales within of the SNES by a land slide. One year later the Super Nintendo was released in North America, there the console quickly became a big fish in the gaming market and the sales would continue to grow exponentially over the next course of the consoles shelf life. In the final steps globalizing the SNES the console comes to Europe and the rest of Asia. This coupled with the timing of Street Fighter 2's release made for a massive boom in the SNES's popularity since the game didn't release on the SNES's main competitor. Around this time Sega and Nintendo was lol competing for for dominance in the game and console market. This "console" war as This "console" war as it came to be called helped shape and define the video game industry as it is today, pushing both companies to produce bigger and better video games for the consumer. As a last push to keep the SNES relevant in the upcomming 32 bit era and the looming 3D graphics aproaching, Nintendo capitalized on the SNES's popularity and success, by releasing the New style SNES, a more compact version of the SNES at a lower pricepoint. The last year of production for the original SNES was 1999, although the new style SNES was kept in production till 2003 the era of 16 bit gaming was at it's end.